Abstrakcija mene dažniausiai siejama su įvairiais XX amžiaus pradžios abstrakcionistiniais judėjimais, kurie atmetė formalizmą ir naratyvą. Daugpilio Marko Rothko meno centro kolekcija taip pat vystėsi naudojant socialiai-politiškai abstraktų vektorių, nusigręžusį nuo konkrečių judesių ir bandant užfiksuoti visuotinius šiuolaikinio meno pagrindus. Panašiai kaip abstrakti tapyba, ši paroda pabrėžia linijos, spalvos ir atspalvio prasmę ir esmę.
Parodos menininkai: Erdmute Blach (Vokietija), Uldis Čamans (Latvija), Svenas Drobnitza (Švedija), Beatrice Gelmetti (Italija), Elga Grīnvalde (Latvija), Haraldas Jegodzienski (Latvija /Vokietija), Michail Lalov (Bulgarija), Erin Lawlor ( JK), Franciszek Ledóchowski (Lenkija), Siliang Ma (Kinija), Anita Meldere (Latvija), Jon Arne Mogstad (Norvegija), Kuzana Ogg (JAV), Manuel Schroeder (Vokietija), Sandra Strēle (Latvija), Jan Valik (Slovakija) ), Sigurds Vīdzirkste (Latvija/JAV), Žanna Vērdiņa (Latvija), Natalija Zaloznaja (Baltarusija/Belgija).
Daugpilio Marko Rothko meno centro kolekcija sukurta iremiantis meno centro idėja. Kasmet jis papildomas pirkimais, simpoziumo dalyvių kūryba ir vertingomis menininkų bei bendradarbiavimo partnerių dovanomis, patvirtinančiomis esamą ir būsimą bendradarbiavimą įgyvendinant meno projektus. Šiuo metu kolekciją sudaro daugiau nei 2000 meno kūrinių įvairiose medijose. Rothko centro misija yra ne tik išsaugoti šią vertingą kolekciją, bet ir reguliariai ją eksponuoti tiek meno centre, tiek kitose kultūros ir meno erdvėse Latvijoje ir užsienyje.
Parodos kuratoriai: Zane Melāne, Māris Čačka
The Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre Collection
Abstraction is a logical thought process that shifts the mind away from the random and trivial features associated with an object or phenomenon to highlight and capture the universal essentials. It is a general perspective achieved through theorising.
Abstraction has a long socio-political history. At the turn of last century, it was synonymous with a shining vision about a new world order. Russian Constructivism became the emblem of the Communist revolution and a utopian society. European Expressionism tried to dismantle the bourgeois form of social relations and unsettle the capitalist order. Futurism celebrated the industrial revolution in ways that were both benign and not: its aesthetic of beauty found in mechanical machinery was also associated with fascism, war and ethnic cleansing. By the mid-20th century, the abstraction of revolutionary politics had largely faded into insignificance amidst post-war capitalism and Cold War policies.
Abstraction in art is, for the most part, associated with assorted abstractionist movements from the early 20th century, which rejected formalism and narrative. The collection of Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre also developed with a socio-politically abstract vector, turning away from specific movements and trying to capture the universal essentials of contemporary art. Much like abstract painting as such, this exhibition highlights the meaning and substance of line, colour and hue.
Featured artists: Erdmute Blach (Germany), Uldis Čamans (Latvia), Sven Drobnitza (Sweden), Beatrice Gelmetti (Italy), Elga Grīnvalde (Latvia), Harald Jegodzienski (Latvia /Germany), Michail Lalov (Bulgaria), Erin Lawlor (UK), Franciszek Ledóchowski (Poland), Siliang Ma (China), Anita Meldere (Latvia), Jon Arne Mogstad (Norway), Kuzana Ogg (USA), Manuel Schroeder (Germany), Sandra Strēle (Latvia), Jan Valik (Slovakia), Sigurds Vīdzirkste (Latvia/USA), Žanna Vērdiņa (Latvia), Natalya Zaloznaya (Belarus/Belgium).
The collection of Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center has been created with the idea of creating an art center. Every year it is supplemented with procurements, creative work of symposium participants and valuable gifts from artists and cooperation partners, confirming the current and future cooperation in the implementation of art projects. Currently, the collection consists of more than 2 000 works of art in various media. The mission of the Rothko Center is not only to preserve this valuable collection, but also to display it regularly both in the art center and in other cultural and artistic spaces in Latvia and abroad.
Exhibition curators: Zane Melāne, Māris Čačka