Company code 193309312
Adress: Vilniaus g. 245, LT 76304 Šiauliai
Tel. / Fax: (8 41) 524385
Email: info@siauliugalerija.lt
p/a LT 087300010002409101
AB „Swedbank“, bank code 73000
Ordering educations, public relations, issues that matter: naujienos@siauliugalerija.lt, (8 41) 521161.
OPENING HOURS II–V 10.00–18.00 VI 10.00–17.00 VII–I CLOSED
Ticket – 1,5 Eur
Ticket with discount (schoolchildren, students, seniors) – 0,5 Eur
Free entrance for: preschoolers, disabled, Lithuanian artists alliance members, art schools students and teachers, museum and galeries employees, foster children.
Saturdays – families with children up to 16.
To organize an exhibition or an event in our gallery during the year, please fill out this application and
submit it to the gallery administration. We will give you an answer about the preparation of the exhibition
and coordinate all the conditions for the preparation of the exhibition. You can send the application to us
by e-mail. by e-mail to news@siauliugalerija.lt, by regular mail, or just bring it to the gallery.
Application form for the exhibition >>>
To provide the conditions for the continuity and spread of modern and professional art, for free expression of society‘s culture and its participation in creative activity. To initiate and organize the events of modern art and culture of the city, Lithuania and foreign countries by developing creative, democratic and open society.
Siauliai Art gallery was established in 1992. From this time gallery is one of the most important North Lithuania especially visual art center, in which are being organized city artist, national and foreign especially visual art exhibitions.
Since the start of the establishing gallery encouraged artistic innovation, meanwhile, Siauliai art gallery is creating cultural city identity and symbolize city powers. Gallery initiates various especially art projects, create opportunities for the young artists to realize their most daring ideas, organized the thematic exhibitions and personal artist exhibitions.
Preparing interdisciplinary art projects gallery is disseminate modern art ideas, during festivals gallery presents the most interesting especially art, music, dance, fashion trends. Spreading the cultural importance, creative freedom and artistic ideas gallery actively involved cultural city and country life.
Because the gallery is in it’s activity is guided by various art forms, opened art center principles, in gallery are various thematic experimental, electronic, jazz, classic music events.
As well as Siauliai art gallery is important film art dissemination center. In the Gallery are presented various country non-commercial film festival programs.
Siauliai art gallery also are organizing education programs, reading thematic lecture cycles for Siauliai citizens, are organizing seminars, conferences, open contemporary information center.
Currently are carried out continuous Siauliai art gallery projects:
International contemporary art festival VIRUS.
It’s the only one and the biggest professional art festival in North Lithuania. During the festival for the city community and guests are presenting the newest contemporary art projects in visual, fashion, theater, literature, media, education, film and music areas. Art community and the audience are waiting for this important cultural festival , which are expanding contemporary art concept and people audience which are interested in art.
Democratic and unique festival environment are creating suitable terms for young and known artists creative starts.
Detailed international festival program are adapted for various ages and tastes audience.
This interdisciplinary projects programs are organizing well-trained curators, because festival is professional with various events, motivated selection of participants. That’s why festival VIRUS for many years forming main city contemporary art tendencies, educate the young generations creativity and actively spreads the most bravest art costume design ideas.
Media art festival ENTER
It’s the only one this kind event in North Lithuania and Siauliai city. During the festival for city audience are presenting the most important media cultural ideas, the most interesting digital works of art, promoted the newest technology uses in artistic creation. Educational festival program get closer science and art fields and opening for young people new creative perspectives. Various festival program educate digital artist and community literacy, demonstrating art creativity and technology interactions productivity and future perspectives of media.
Art education for children and young people project MENOPOLIS
In 2013 Cultural ministry MENOPOLIS project estimated as the best cultural education project.
Cycle of the open lecture ART ETHER
International graffiti art plener SUN KIDNAP