Kostiumų dizainas – Inga Skripka
Garso takelio autorius – Donatas Bielkauskas
Juvelyrikos kolekcijos autoriai: Neringa Poškutė- Jukumienė, Emilija Giedraitė, Estera Olendraitė, Aleksas Grašys, Artūr Manukian.

December 9, Saturday, 7:00 p.m. at the Siauliai athletics and wellness center Siauliai Art Gallery will host the international fashion design show „Virus fashion”.
Designers presenting collections: Laimonas Žilinskas (LT), Liutauras Suvorovas (LT), Doviga Morris (PL), Almantas Kunskas (LT), Džeina Lubāne (LV), Gabriela Nowak (PL), Karl-Christoph Rebane (EE), Khrystyna Konyk (UA), Maciej Nodzeński (PL), Madara Indriksone (LV), Nargiz Salwa (PL), Olja Zadybchuk (UA), Samanta Zykaitė (LT), Kamilė Ginelevičiūtė (LT), Raimedas Latvys (LT), Rugilė Sadauskaitė (LT), Karina Panina (LT).
Tickets: https://shorturl.at/nLTZ2
„VIRUS FASHION” is the biggest and most important fashion show in Northern Lithuania! The international fashion design show VIRUS MADA, which will be held at the Šiauliai Athletics and Wellness Center, will surprise, delight and provoke the audience with fashion design innovations, bold ideas and aesthetic solutions. The collections of designers from Poland, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania will reveal contemporary fashion trends, creative manifestos, actualizing the issues of human rights, discrimination, the relationship between man and nature, war, consumerism, sustainability, religion, self-irony, childhood memories and the world of the future. Many collections are winners or nominees of various European fashion weeks.
„VIRUS FASHION” is not only collection presentations. These are also performative artistic performances. During the show, a dance duo from Italy will perform the performance „COME NEVE”, the concept and choreography of which was created by Adriano Bolognino. This performance is the transformation of the feeling of personal well-being into dance. It is a wonderful and masterful work that intertwines the idea of community, body plasticity and the beauty of crocheted costumes. The thread turns into a dress, the movement into a dance, and the whole picture into a wonderful spectacle.
During the evening, the performative jewelry collection „Puo/-das – Puo/-salas” by the students of Neringa Poškutė-Jukumienė and Vilnius Academy of Arts Telšiai faculty will be presented. This collection consists of fragments of enameled pots with a decorative function. The author’s work was noticed and evaluated on the international platform of contemporary jewelry, published among the 25 best works of ready-made jewelry creators.
Costume design – Inga Skripka
The author of the soundtrack – Donatas Bielkauskas
Authors of the jewelry collection: Neringa Poškutė-Jukumienė, Emilija Giedraitė, Estera Olendraitė, Aleksas Grašys, Artūr Manukian.
The bright, colorful and conceptual VIRUS FASHION show will be heated with its musical vibrations by the great composer Antanas Jasenka and Co.
The art and fashion show will be held at the Šiauliai Athletics and Wellness Center – the event is returning here for the fourth time, as this impressive combination of sports architecture and art gives fashion collections new meanings.
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The event is part of the contemporary art and fashion festival VIRUS’28.
The festival is financed by: Siauliai City Municipality and the Lithuanian Cultural Council
Organizer: Siauliai Art Gallery
Main information partner: Lithuanian National Radio and Television
Partners and sponsors: news portal „Etaplius”, AB „Šiaulių bankas”, UAB „Laurema”, UAB „Gorila reklama”, AB „Vilniaus Pergalė”, „Soya Asia”, KĮ „Polifonija”, State Drama Theater of Šiaulių, Šiaulių Didždvaris Gymnasium , Šiauliai Athletics and Wellness Center, MO Museum, Lithuanian National Art Museum, Šiauliai State College, Šiauliai Technology Training Center, dance troupe „NUEPIKO”, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius College of Design, Krakow Art School, Krakow Fashion Week, Estonian Academy of Arts, Latvian Academy of Arts, UAB „Virginijus ir Ko”, Šiauliai „Dagilėlis” Singing School, Lviv Fashion Week, Siauliai „Aušros” Museum, design house „Wapswa“, Siauliai Culture Centre
Festival design author: Marius Žalneravičius